By our module just a few clicks to sell on Eprice
By our form just a few clicks to sell on Eprice: enter your account, choose the categories, vendors and producers who want to publish and then initiates the process. The module generates a csv file and sends it via API
Register and create your seller account at the following link: https://www.eprice.it/marketplace
The module allows you to manage:
Installation of the module is simple. It will be provided a detailed PDF guide. In case of problems our customer care is at your disposal to assist you and answer your questions.
The module is compatible with Prestashop version 1.7.x / 8.x
v1.5.6 - 2023/03/28
[NEW] PS - PS 8 compatibility
Try it online:
Front office: http://demo.prestalia.it/addons-demo/
Back office: http://demo.prestalia.it/addons-demo/backoffice/
Username: demo@demo.com - Password: demodemo
Compatibility | Prestashop 1.7.x - 8 |
Version | 1.5.6 |